I help individuals who have had unsuccessful treatments in the past and she offers a style of manual therapy that is unique yet complementary with physiotherapy and chiropractic approaches. I am a lifelong learner. She completed a research project and thesis looking at how osteopathic treatments can help patients with sciatic pain with a specific focus on strengthening joints, muscles and the musculoskeletal framework through osteopathic joint mobilization techniques, osteopathic muscle energy techniques and soft tissue manipulations. I am able to provide exceptional osteopathic treatments to her patients by decreasing their pain level, muscle stiffness/spasm and joint restrictions as well as increasing their range of motion, increasing their functional ability and improving their overall health. She welcomes you to book an appointment so she can help you as well.
Shahrzad Ebrahimi's office is in Toronto, ON.
Shahrzad Ebrahimi offers and more. Learn more about Shahrzad Ebrahimi's services on Opencare or book your appointment today.