Dr. Tara Moshiri is an American Board Certified dentist practicing in the Northern Virginia area since 1999. Since she began practicing dentistry, Dr. Moshiri has kept up to date on the latest advancements in general and cosmetic dentistry, ensuring that her patients receive the most comprehensive and conservative dental care using modern technology in the most efficient and cost effective manner. Dr. Tara Moshiri recently received a 5-star rating for customer satisfaction from City Beat News (CBN), earning the prestigious Spectrum Award for Excellence in Customer Satisfaction in 2016. Dr. Moshiri was also voted one of America’s Top Dentists in 2016 and a Top Dentist in Sterling in 2014. Dr. Moshiri is a member of ADA (American Dental Association), VDA (Virginia Dental Association), and NVDS (Northern Virginia Dental Society). Dr. Moshiri is very passionate about her profession and views dentistry as a true form of art, and what better canvas to show case the art of dentistry than each individual smile! She also fulfills her enthusiasm for the arts by painting, calligraphy, Jewelry making & design, and playing classical music.
Artiste Dentistry LLC provides services in English. Click here to explore available appointments!
Artiste Dentistry LLC sees patients on Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat. Find the next available appointment with Artiste Dentistry LLC on Opencare.
Yes, Artiste Dentistry LLC offers teeth whitening services. Learn more about Artiste Dentistry LLC at Opencare or request an appointment.
Yes, Artiste Dentistry LLC offers regular check up and cleaning services. Learn more about Artiste Dentistry LLC at Opencare or request an appointment.