Richard Leblanc's Practice
4003 Louisiana Avenue, Lake Charles, Louisiana 70607Services Offered 16 Services
Bonding Braces / Invisalign Bridges / Dentures Cleaning Crown / Cap Filling Gum Surgery Implants Nitrous Sedation Root Canal Sleep apnea TMJ Tooth Extraction Veneers Whitening Wisdom Teeth Removal
Bonding , Braces / Invisalign , Bridges / Dentures , Cleaning , Crown / Cap , Filling , Gum Surgery , Implants , Nitrous Sedation , Root Canal , Sleep apnea , TMJ , Tooth Extraction , Veneers , Whitening , Wisdom Teeth Removal
Providers at this location
Frequently asked questions
What languages do the doctors at Richard Leblanc's Practice speak?
Richard Leblanc's Practice provides services in English. Click here to explore available appointments!
When can I schedule an appointment with Richard Leblanc's Practice?
Richard Leblanc's Practice sees patients on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu. Find the next available appointment with Richard Leblanc's Practice on Opencare.
Is Richard Leblanc's Practice accepting new patients?
Richard Leblanc's Practice is not currently accepting new patients through Opencare. Please contact the office directly to book an appointment or use Opencare to book an appointment at a practice near you!
Does Richard Leblanc's Practice offer teeth whitening?
Yes, Richard Leblanc's Practice offers teeth whitening services.
Does Richard Leblanc's Practice offer check up and cleanings?
Yes, Richard Leblanc's Practice offers regular check up and cleaning services.
Services Offered 16 Services
Bonding Braces / Invisalign Bridges / Dentures Cleaning Crown / Cap Filling Gum Surgery Implants Nitrous Sedation Root Canal Sleep apnea TMJ Tooth Extraction Veneers Whitening Wisdom Teeth Removal
Bonding , Braces / Invisalign , Bridges / Dentures , Cleaning , Crown / Cap , Filling , Gum Surgery , Implants , Nitrous Sedation , Root Canal , Sleep apnea , TMJ , Tooth Extraction , Veneers , Whitening , Wisdom Teeth Removal
Providers at this location
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