At Dentologie’s dental offices in Lincoln Park, you’ll find highly trained, state-of-the-art, highest quality dental care that will put a healthy smile on your face. In one of the most dynamic neighborhoods of Chicago, the office on Armitage is convenient and close to everything. While you’re enjoying the vibrant Lincoln Park restaurant scene, make sure that you’re taking care of your mouth, too. Dentologie makes you feel comfortable while you’re in the dentist's chair, with relaxing music of your choosing, or favorite TV show. We want your dental and oral health to be as easy as possible, so we tear down every barrier. That means ensuring you have an easily accessible office. We’re here in the neighborhood with you, so come in and see us!
Dr. Davy Chen's office is in , .
Dr. Davy Chen offers and more. Learn more about Dr. Davy Chen's services on Opencare or book your appointment today.