
Samadian Dental Office (SAMADIAN DENTAL OFFICE) is a Dental Clinic in Antioch, California. Dental care clinics provide dental treatment and oral care to patients of all ages. The NPI Number for Samadian Dental Office is 1073283065.

Public transit accessible
Digital X-rays
Intra-oral cameras
Mounted TV
Kid friendly
Flexible hours
Free parking
Dental anxiety friendly
Financing plans
Laser dentistry
Music streaming
Verified Patient Reviews
Based on 2 reviews from Opencare patients
5.0 /5
Facilities 5.0
Staff 5.0
Treatment 5.0


Frequently asked questions
What languages do the doctors at Dion Health | Antioch speak?

Dion Health | Antioch provides services in English. Click here to explore available appointments!

When can I schedule an appointment with Dion Health | Antioch?

Dion Health | Antioch sees patients on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. Find the next available appointment with Dion Health | Antioch on Opencare.

Does Dion Health | Antioch offer teeth whitening?

Yes, Dion Health | Antioch offers teeth whitening services.

Does Dion Health | Antioch offer check up and cleanings?

Yes, Dion Health | Antioch offers regular check up and cleaning services.

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